On a testé 5 idées pour préparer Halloween avec les enfants

We tested 5 ideas to prepare for Halloween with children

Every year, children jump for joy at the thought of being buried in sweets and chocolates. And if this year we fully lend ourselves to the Halloween game? Make a costume, have everything on hand to do their make-up (and remove their make-up?), come up with a recipe… Here are some suggestions so that this thrilling party will also make you have a good time with your children!

1. A costume made with your own hands! 🧚

Creating a disguise has never taken you so long before, and the result is amazing! All you need is a square of black fabric, strong glue and scissors.

Steps to make his evil costume:

1. Fold the fabric in 4
2. Cut out arc shapes to create the wings, then cut a hole in the corner where the bend is to fit the head through
3. Unfold the fabric and check that the wings are symmetrical
4. Open it all up and create two arms by gluing the sleeves
5. For children to stick their thumbs out and move the wings, cut out a half bow 5cm from the end of the sleeves 😉
We tested it for you and here is the result, TADAAAM:
diy halloween costume

2. In a bat all the way to the end of your nose 🦇

With the Tattoopen , Nailmatic 's special black temporary tattoo pen for children's skin (which can be removed with water) or face paint, here is a make-up that will surprise more than one.

The advantage of the Nailmatic Tattoopen ? Its precision and finesse perfectly delineate the contours. Follow the pattern and get started!


Draw on the face at eye level the outline of the bat, add the ears at the level of the forehead and color everything avoiding the outline of the eyes.

3. A pumpkin to light up and concoct a delicious dinner 🎃

Today nothing is lost, everything is recovered. The flesh of this pumpkin won't get away with it, here are the steps to treat yourself to a delicious lighted entree by the light of your Halloween lantern.


Steps to empty the pumpkin 🎃

1. Wash and dry the pumpkin
2. If it is not stable, cut a base so that it is
3. Cut its cap with a knife planted at 45°, going around about 10 cm from the peduncle
4. Once the hat is in hand, collect the flesh and seeds from the hat
5. Collect the seeds and the pulp inside the pumpkin
6. Once hollowed out, use a knife to preform the scary eyes, nose and mouth…
7. Once empty, install some Led candles in the pumpkin, if you want to put real candles then do not close the hat! The pumpkin could catch fire...

halloween pumpkin

Steps to prepare pumpkin soup :

1. Place the removed flesh in a large saucepan with a glass of milk (or more depending on the quantity) and cook over medium heat. Add a stock cube. No need for water, the pumpkin contains it naturally. After 20 minutes the flesh is cooked, mix with an immersion blender, gradually adding a brick of liquid cream and a pinch of nutmeg.
2. If the kids are bitching, christen the “magic potion” rather than pumpkin soup. With a few roasted pumpkin seeds and homemade croutons, in a few spoonfuls it will be devoured!

4. Deco and fun activity: we tinker with the rolls of paper

We always have these little rolls on hand 😉 Painted or colored in no time, they will turn into very fun decorations.

This year particularly inspired us so we started! Here are the steps of a DIY to make a pumpkin roll right here , a mummy rollthere and for the bat, it's here .

Pumpkins, bats or mummies, once colored and accessorized, the atmosphere is launched and will have kept the children busy (during the holidays and this long All Saints' Day weekend) with an activity that will have really entertained them. The only risk: that they now start storing all the rolls as soon as they are finished...

DIY batdiy pumpkindiy mummy

5. The cleaning trio to end this beautiful day (which they will use all year round!)

To prevent this beautiful makeup from sticking to the pillow, it's better to remove it 😉 Thanks to My Gentle Cleanser and My washcloths, the trick is almost done!

My sweet duo

A precise and delicate gesture delivers in a few pressure strokes My Cleanser on My washcloths . In contact with the skin, they are so soft that all the senses are in turmoil. Thanks to the betaine and pro vitamin B5 combo, the skin, unmasked, regains radiance and clarity.

Gif I wash my face

👉 Like the trio of siblings, My gentle cleanser and My washcloths , now come with a refill (more ecological, but also economical and very practical) to teach toddlers, even little ones, that we can take care of oneself while (also) paying attention to our planet.

My sweet trio