Les 3 bonnes raisons d’ancrer les souvenirs en famille

The 3 good reasons to anchor family memories

Knowing how to recognize and be able to feel love and happiness when they present themselves is a real chance to seize and anchor in an imminent way. 

When raising children there are days with and days without. There is also this incredible thing: we only keep the best, time knowing perfectly well how to hide the (many) moments when they know how to be exhausting... It's not always easy to put aside your own emotions, have the will to keep moving forward , teach them the right values and their to transmit which for us seems so obvious. 

So if we take the time to stop to observe and leave a trace, that of memory!


“It is not time that passes, it is we who go through it”. 

Source: Wanted! 


The memories are a gift of life and the best proof of the past is a endless source of happiness to which we are lucky enough to be able to hang on at any time. 

So here are three good reasons to anchor family memories on a daily basis: 

1. In a child's life, talking about happy times with their parents helps them remember them.

Memory develops naturally, but we can help our children practice it.  

Even if we don't have the ability to decide what will stick in their memory, talking about it can have some influence! Talk often about what we have experienced with them and encouraging them to tell things from their point of view, helps them relive the experiences in their head and better structure their story. They are then more likely to remember it longer. 

Memory develops thanks to the maturation of the brain! As children grow, they are able to retain more and more things, memories secure their inner well-being while accompanying them through every stage of life.

2. What could be more beautiful than creating these memories together?

when something out of the ordinary, or makes your child experience an intense emotion, it often remembers this event longer. Whether it's the adrenaline of the first loops, videos that we watch on a loop that immortalize a journey where the first shows, the transmission of care rituals in the bathroom that fits into everyday life, through photo albums that we browse according to our desires, notebooks filled with their favorite recipes that we refine and cook together, stories that we 'we keep telling them and which they are unable to get tired of... Through painting or herbaria that you have created, do not let slip the moments of happiness when they are felt and that they can be seized. 

Let your imagination run wild and your intuition guide you, we guarantee that whatever you propose they will be in favor. You are in a good position to know that there is nothing more precious than spending time with your parents, and vice versa! 

3. Leave a mark

Whether it's the first "Mom" written in black on white, medals from sports competitions, their favorite recipe finally perfectly mastered... Whether it's in a week, a month, a year or in ten years, have a trace of what made them proud and happy is the greatest gift of all. 

Seeing the milestones that our children go through amazes us every day, engrave them in our memories and do not let time take away with it everything that we have not had time to eternalize! 


We hope that after reading these few lines you will be able to take a step back and enjoy! That's good there's a long weekend looming... and if you tell us what this article inspired you!