L’interview OUATE x Marie Faure Ambroise de MyTravelDreams

Interview OUATE x Marie Faure Ambroise from MyTravelDreams

After having edited a book "The yoga of emotions" with 4 hands with Agnès Gliozzo, yoga teacher, in this world yoga day, interviewing Marie Faure Ambroise seemed obvious to us. 

An inspiring woman who travels around the world with her 3 children, Marie has also built her brand around travel and the family, a unique site in which she shares her travel diaries, almost secret addresses, an e-shop of t- retro shirts and sweatshirts in organic cotton and also manages her own consulting agency… A woman with a charisma as exciting as it is striking. Its motto : “You can only give your children two things: roots and wings…”. Powerful and touching words that go straight to our hearts when raising children. 


  • Hello Mary, can you introduce yourself? 

 Marie, 43 years old, 3 children and a great husband. I created MyTravelDreams, a travel site to give families ideas for adventures around the world, but also a MyDigitalsDreams consulting agency that supports brands in their communication and development.

At the same time, with my two best friends, yoga teachers, I launched the first mother / child yoga retreats, yoga podcasts for kids and, this year, we released our first book at Castermann: Le Yoga des emotions.


  • How did your passion for yoga come about? 

 I started practicing a long time ago when I lived in NYC. We went in the evening to a studio a little hidden below Union Square and I loved it.

I gave up a bit when I got back to France and I got back into it thanks to my girlfriend Agnès Gliozzo when we were pregnant with our boys. Since then, I am addicted and my children too…


  • Why should children practice yoga? 

 You have to go slowly with small sessions so that they feel the benefits on their body and mind. Often, after this initiation, it is they who ask for more...


  • We really enjoyed accompanying you on this Mamma and kids escape retreat that you organized last fall, can you tell us about the program for the weekend? 

Oh us too!!! We welcome between 15 and 20 mothers and their children in a cool place from Friday evening after school to Sunday evening. On the program, yoga for mothers, yoga for children, yoga together, surprise activities (this time, survival course in the forest and sophrology), large tables and a mountain of gifts. We organize these MAMMA&KIDS retreats twice a year and it is, each time, unforgettable moments.


  • What are the benefits for the behavior of children?  

 I find that children who practice yoga find it easier to control their emotions and regain their calm. More peaceful, they fall asleep better and are less overexcited. 

They also know their bodies and their limits better. It is a very complete lesson. 


  • On the practice parents / children what were the benefits? 

 Above all, it is a wonderful moment to share. We learn to trust each other, to let go and then we touch each other, we look into each other's eyes, we massage each other... it's so rare to spend time like that one-on-one with a child.


  • Do you plan to do a parent/child retreat again this year? 

 Yes !  We are leaving in October for the Baie de Somme in a wonderful hotel. 


  • How to successfully capture the attention of a child for 15 minutes when you want to introduce him to this practice and he is restless? 

 Put him on an episode of our podcast The Little Yoga School. It is magic…


  • If you had to pick one must-have pose to teach kids, which one would you recommend and what are the benefits? 

My kids love to do The Cat.

On all fours, the cat digs its back while looking at the ceiling then the back rounds out as much as possible while exhaling. We start over several times.

This easy posture allows you to stretch your back and calm the kids before starting homework or going to sleep... 


  • Zen advice for moms? 

 You are the best mom for them, so stop comparing yourself to others or being too much of an injunction... 

You know better than anyone what is good for your children. 


  • What's your mom mantra? 

Take advantage of everything and every moment because it passes too quickly and one day you will dream of hearing these small steps in the hallway.


  • A namaste destination this summer? A destination not to be missed with children? 

The NAMASTE destination is the destination that makes us happy as a family. For some it is an all inclusive club for others a cabin lost in the woods or a week with the grandparents in the tribe. The important thing, when you have the chance to go on vacation, is to know what makes you feel good…. And to give ourselves the means to approach our dreams. 


  • Not to be missed with the children?

I love discovery so the one not to be missed for me is the one we don't know, the one that will surprise us, put us in danger, take us away from our routine and our habits. For me, camping corresponds to that, we come back to very simple and essential things. 


  • Which OUATE treatment(s) do you prefer to take with you on your mops? 

I always ship the washcloths and the solar mist ! Just perfect for tanned little ones this summer!



Find all of Marie's activity on her website or on her Instagram: 

