5 catégories d’aliments anti-acné

5 acne-fighting eating habits

When our children reach adolescence, their skin is put to the test through various upheavals including hormonal (the now more dynamic hormonal activity influences the production of sebum which increases), revealing some imperfections: acne ...

The causes of premature acne

The hydrolipidic film, the skin's barrier, naturally produces sebum from pre-adolescence to maintain the skin's hydration and suppleness. This sebum secretion is influenced by many factors: hormonal variations, the nervous state, or poor breakdown of fats provided by food . When the secretion of sebum is too important, the pores will clog. Then appear blackheads that can become infected and evolve into unsightly pimples: acne particularly common in adolescence.

When unsuitable products get involved...

The use of products that are too concentrated and abrasive, an unsuitable skincare routine or a poor diet amplify acne . In fact, many people think that oily skin doesn't need moisturizer . A nonsense because on the contrary, a sufficiently hydrated skin will produce less sebum, thus reducing the appearance of pimples.
Product selection: My ideal cream

Photo of my ideal cream

5 eating habits to adopt when you have acne

Imposing a style of eating on a teenager (whose skin is also going through some temporary disorders) is a sensitive and delicate subject... you have to show a lot of diplomacy in order not to touch their susceptibility...
Nevertheless, by talking and making them aware (delicately) of the importance and benefits of a balanced diet (capital for their health and development), we invite them to be more active in caring for them. themselves.

Here are 5 eating habits to suggest to them and pair them with daily skin care to reduce acne :

1- Favor “good fats”

Omega 3 fatty acids essential to the good health of our body. Walnuts, hazelnuts, chia seeds, flax, fish oils, first cold-pressed oils, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel). Anti-inflammatory, they help regulate acne breakouts .

2- Reduce, or even eliminate dairy products for a while

Various studies show that the hormones contained in milk could lead to the appearance of acne. Try to reduce their consumption by replacing butter with margarine, milk with almond milk, yogurts with vegetable yogurts and observe how their skin reacts.

3- Reduce foods with a high glycemic index

White sugar, potato, white rice, white flour, sweets, sodas which stimulate the secretion of insulin, causing favorable reactions to the appearance of acne, for foods with a low glycemic index: legumes ( lentils, beans), whole grains (whole grain rice, quinoa, bulgur…) these foods release sugar more slowly and limit cravings between meals.

4- Eat fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants

Dark-colored fruits like blackcurrants, blackberries and blueberries… rich in fiber, they can regulate insulin and prevent overproduction of sebum. On the vegetable side: watercress, avocado (source of vitamin E), foods rich in beta carotene (pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots also rich in vitamin A) are full of fiber and vitamins.

5- Incorporate the zinc

Reduces inflammation caused by acne . They are found in many foods , such as eggs, oysters, fish, calf's liver, most meats and shellfish. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, soybeans, sesame seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, whole grains and pulses...

Steps to clearer skin

For the well-being of the skin of pre-adolescents, we have developed food supplements to be taken every day in the form of a cure. Certified ORGANIC, vegan, gluten-free and without artificial colors, my clear skin gummies provide acne-prone skin with nutritional support to act against imperfections.


Known for its anti-inflammatory properties which help fight against acne and purify the skin, its alkalizing and draining functions slow down the secretion of sebum.

Rich in zinc, minerals, trace elements and vitamin B, nettle is considered a purifying plant allowing the body to get rid of its toxins.

Great source of vitamins: B, E, C, provitamin A, it is also one of the richest plants in complete proteins and with a high mineral content. It contains a high concentration of potassium, calcium (four times more than yogurt), magnesium, manganese and silica.

To learn more about nettle, visit our ingredients page .



Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that provides the natural anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric. It promotes good skin health, brightens, evens out the complexion and revives dull skin.

The healing and antioxidant properties of turmeric work to improve and speed up the healing of blemishes and scars caused by rashes (and other skin problems).

Its antiseptic properties make it possible to stop the appearance, and the proliferation, of the bacteria responsible for the inflammation giving an acne pimple.

Its anti-inflammatory properties help prevent, or lessen, the inflammation of acne leading to redness and pimples.

Turmeric helps alleviate skin infections such as eczema and psoriasis. By reducing redness, it soothes itchy sensations and promotes healing of the skin.

To learn more about turmeric, head over to our ingredients page .


Its depurative action stimulates the functions of the emunctory organs (such as the liver and the kidneys), responsible for getting rid of the toxins that "suffocate" the skin and promote imperfections in order to eliminate them.
It also has an anti-inflammatory action that reduces skin inflammation and breakouts.
Antibacterial, it fights against the bacteria responsible for skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne). Containing potassium nitrate, a mineral compound with diuretic and detoxifying action, it promotes the elimination of waste through the urinary and digestive tracts.

To learn more about burdock, head over to our ingredients page .



Natural active ingredients with revolutionary properties, they restore the skin barrier and stimulate skin hydration, improving its quality, unifying the complexion and ensuring comfort and well-being.
To learn more about bio ceramosides, visit our ingredients page .

Need more advice on acne and diet? Discover our "3 tips to protect the skin of our teenagers from the sun" and thus avoid the rebound effect of acne or "how does food have an impact on our children's mood?" » )