As soon as we find our children our second day begins, it will be shorter, we grant you, but not necessarily less tiring, we hide nothing from you.
So as soon as the key enters the lock, we are ready, we breathe, we manage!
Children are learning and discovering countless things on a daily basis, fatigue sometimes overwhelms them and the overflow of emotions is often difficult to express, so they must be reassured. What reassures them is finding their surroundings, receiving attention and starting a routine. A routine has a gift of protection, children feel safe.
How to go step by step towards an evening that rolls with our children?
1. We spend time with them - and with a smile please!
Before bombarding them with questions about their day, what they ate for lunch, what kind of activities were done in class… we sit down with them for five minutes and offer them something that relaxes them. A puzzle to continue, a drawing to tell ... The interaction between a child and his environment is the best source of stimulation but also of appeasement.
You don't need screens to have a good time and make sure that after a cartoon they will obey us. No, screens aren't always the solution, especially on a school night before. Too much exposure to screens from a young age is associated with attention difficulties, sleep problems, less cognitive abilities, poor control of emotions and behaviors and we go ...
We are not suggesting that you organize an occupation marathon but something fun and easy to do together: reading a story or dancing to their favorite music is enough to initiate the next step… that of the bath because yes, darling children we love you very much but after a long day at school your cleanliness is slightly doubtful… So zou au bain " and let it shine! "

Thanks to the whipped cream, the washing of their manes becomes more tame and their coat as soft as silk. Just the name announces that we are going to have a good time and above all, have a good laugh.
No more moaning due to the water entering the ears, the eyes and the soap melting in the bathtub ... when the whipped cream is wonderfully whipped, the bath becomes A real moment of relaxation. We do not guarantee that the bathroom will not be transformed into a swimming pool but whatever we have had a good laugh and the mission will be accomplished.
2. In the kitchen, all together!
Direction the kitchen, whether they are at the table drawing, on the floor playing, sitting on the worktop watching us cook, participating by putting the vegetables to cook and taking the opportunity to bite into them and discover new tastes. , we communicate and we tell each other about our day.
A quick and balanced dinner ideal for kids is a dish made with vegetables and grains. Depending on the season, we cook a few vegetables in water, which we mix to be sure that they pass and we mix this concentrate of vitamins with pasta, quinoa, rice, polenta… A dash of oil olive, grated cheese and voila!
3. We got better than the famous "pee, teeth and bed!" "
Children now clean and fed, here is the highlight of the show: cleaning teeth, cleaning the face and applying moisturizer.
They are used to seeing us clean our faces, cream our face, put on make-up and then moan because our fifth lipstick in three weeks was again the victim of an attempt to apply lipstick "like mum" which overflows until 'on the cheeks.
A classic. The base.
But it doesn't matter because it all starts with a mimicry effect, somewhere the habit is taken, you just have to modify it and adapt it. This is where the OUATE magic operates and supports children in the process of learning to be independent.
Washed quenottes, we attack the face routine to cleanse, moisturize and protect:
- the gentle cleanser, a miracle product that is applied by applying pressure with a cotton pad (or washable square), the cleaner becomes a real game which leaves their skin very soft and scented with a delicate scent of jasmine.
- After the cleanser, hydrate. Each cream is an awakening of the senses, an olfactory journey designed to develop their sense of smell. These are smells that tell stories to our children and evoke memories: the flowers in the garden, the scent of mom, the smell of dad's shaving foam ... No more pots emptied by the irresistible temptation to go there. immerse their whole hand, now they have their care, their ritual. And the helping hand is quickly taken, one squeeze for each cream, everything is dosed to be easily handled. With OUATE it is more than teaching them how to care for their skin, we share a ritual, and we are witnessing day after day learning their autonomy.
4. Morpheus, don't move, we're coming!
For an ideal night, without night terrors (among others) and in one go, we walk around the room to make sure that there are no monsters, even good guys, and we say goodnight to all the soft toys that are there to protect them.
Once properly installed in bed we choose one, two, three stories to read together before ending in style: a big hug without forgetting to say good evening to Madame Lune and her stars.
Because safety is the key, the evening routine will become a joyful habit, a privileged moment where we will watch carefully and with great pride the confidence and fulfillment growing with our children.
Now protected, reassured here's what to start, we wish you a sweet evening and a good night in the arms of Morphée.