7 astuces pour soulager les coliques de bébé

7 tips to relieve baby colic

Colic in babies is one of the most common concerns for many parents. The signs are clear: squirming, incessant crying, a baby who turns red, who becomes stiff and whose stomach is hard. Appearing a few days after birth or after a few weeks, they subside around 3 months. If this situation is heartbreaking for parents, know that there are simple and effective tips to relieve baby . We reveal 7 of them to you in this article.

1- Use the abdominal massage technique

Abdominal massage can be a soothing method to relieve baby colic . Place your baby on a soft, warm surface, then use your fingers to gently massage their tummy in a clockwise direction. Be sure to use light pressure to avoid any discomfort. This massage can help relax intestinal muscles and reduce gas, which can help relieve pain. The fluid texture of the moisturizer for my baby is perfect for this type of massage, while deeply nourishing baby 's skin.

Moisturizer for my baby

2- Apply heat

Gentle heat can be an effective remedy for colic . Use a hot water bottle or warm, clean towel to warm your baby 's belly . Make sure the temperature is comfortable, and never leave your baby unattended during this time. Heat can soothe intestinal spasms and provide temporary relief.


3- Try gentle movements

Some babies respond well to gentle, rhythmic movements. You can try rocking your baby in your arms, use a baby swing or even a baby sling to create a feeling of calming movement. This can distract your baby from the pain and help him relax. Do not let a baby cry, he needs someone to respond to his cries, it is his only means of expression when faced with a need: to be reassured, changed, fed, sleep…. Between 0 and 3 months, holding a crying baby will not make him a capricious baby. Skin-to-skin contact, rocking, cuddling, gentle gestures will help him calm down.

4- Change the feeding or bottle position

How you feed your baby can also impact colic . Try changing your baby 's position while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Sometimes a more upright position can help reduce gas ingested during feeding. Also make sure that your baby has not swallowed too much air during feeding. Remember to always burp after feedings, even from the breast, to limit air absorption. Finally, opt for an anti-colic bottle , very effective against these ailments.


5- Space out feedings

Limit feedings to every 3 hours so that baby 's intestine can rest between each meal and make them last at least 20 minutes (so that he takes all the fat from the end of the feeding if he is breastfed).


6- Avoid certain foods

If you are breastfeeding, it may be helpful to monitor your own diet. Certain foods, such as dairy products, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and foods high in caffeine, can sometimes make colic worse in babies . Try cutting back on these foods to see if it makes a difference.

7- Consult a health professional

If your baby's colic persists despite your efforts to relieve it, it is important to consult a pediatrician or healthcare professional . They will be able to rule out other underlying medical problems and give you specific advice based on your baby 's situation.

In conclusion, baby colic can be a difficult time, but with the right tips, you can help your baby feel better. Be sure to remain patient and seek out the support you need for yourself, as caring for a colicky baby can be exhausting. By following these tips, you can provide comfort to your baby and find relief for yourself. Finally, remember that colic remains temporary and is a very common phenomenon among infants. Don't panic, your baby feels all your emotions.

If your baby suffers from other ailments such as diaper rash, we advise you to read our articles on this subject: “ 10 actions to adopt to avoid diaper rash ” and “ 4 causes of diaper rash in babies ” .